Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Poverty is one of the most pressing issues in the world today. It knows neither barrier nor does it respects any boundary. It can harass anybody any where in the world. Even wealthy people can some day turn poor and wretched as a result of poverty. Therefore, it is important that the world treats poverty as the monster that it is. But it must also be said that the regions of the world most prone to poverty and affected by its effect; are the places in sun-Saharan Africa and the third world as a whole. Therefore, this essay shall concern itself with poverty in Nigeria and how it may be reduced in the context of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) of the United Nations.

The United Nations and other multilateral bodies like the European Union have been in the forefront of reducing the spread of poverty in Nigeria. In this light, we must applaud these global bodies in their fight against the monster of poverty in this country. The Millennium Declaration of the UN came into being about 9 years ago. In the year 2000 precisely.

The MDGs of the United Nations seeks to make the world a better place. The objectives in the declaration include the eradication of poverty, among other laudable goals. But it must be noted at this juncture, that the United Nations alone can't eradicate the monster of Poverty in Nigeria. What then is the way forward?

Governments at all levels in this country must brace up for the challenges contained in the Millennium development declarations. There must exist, a political will to implement workable Poverty eradication programmes in this country. These programmes muse be developed and implemented, irrespective of the changes in government.

It is also important to carry out mass awareness campaigns at all tiers of governments so that the peolple can be enlightened on the need to also act and improve their means of livelihood in concert with the relevant government agencies.

Above all, all poverty eradication programmes must be people friendly, driven and motivated. Otherwise, it may be difficult for the country to meet the objectives of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals. It is only when the Poverty strategies are workable, that they will indeed work in Nigeria.